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pair wiimote banner

If you have a spare Nintendo Wii remote with the Motion Plus add-on, you can use it to control your Windows PC from across the room. Here’s how to get it working in a couple of easy steps.

如果您有带Motion Plus附加组件的备用Nintendo Wii遥控器,则可以使用它在整个房间内控制Windows PC。 这是通过几个简单的步骤使其运行的方法。

Using the Wii’s Motion Plus add-on and some software, you can easily control presentations or your home theater PC.  You will need:

使用Wii的Motion Plus附加组件和某些软件,您可以轻松控制演示文稿或家庭影院PC。 你会需要:

  1. A Wii remote (obviously)

  2. The Motion Plus add-on

    Motion Plus附加组件
  3. Windows XP, Vista, or 7

    Windows XP,Vista或7
  4. A Bluetooth dongle for your PC

  5. The (version at the time of writing)


  6. (version 0.43 at the time of writing)


软体 (The Software)

The WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack allows you to pair your computer with the Wii remote without using a code.  That’s the key piece to getting it working, and although the BlueSoleil stack can do this as well if not better, it’s not free.  After the pairing is complete, the GlovePIE application will run a script that takes your controller input and translate that into mouse emulation.  With some tweaking, you can extend the functionality of your makeshift mouse and even use it as a joystick/gamepad.

WIDCOMM蓝牙堆栈使您无需使用代码即可将计算机与Wii遥控器配对 这是使其正常工作的关键,尽管BlueSoleil堆栈即使不是更好也可以做到这一点,但它不是免费的。 配对完成后,GlovePIE应用程序将运行一个脚本,该脚本接受您的控制器输入并将其转换为鼠标仿真。 通过一些调整,您可以扩展临时鼠标的功能,甚至可以将其用作操纵杆/游戏手柄。

硬体 (The Hardware)

You need a compatible Bluetooth dongle to communicate with your Wii remote, and they can be found cheaply online if your computer doesn’t have one built-in already.  Using an alternative Bluetooth stack actually allows a wider compatibility with adapters, a very useful side-effect.  You can even use one that’s meant for wireless headphones or the like, as long as it uses Bluetooth.

您需要一个兼容的蓝牙加密狗才能与Wii遥控器进行通信,如果您的计算机尚没有内置的加密狗,可以在网上便宜地找到它们。 实际上,使用备用蓝牙堆栈可以实现与适配器的广泛兼容性,这是非常有用的副作用。 您甚至可以使用无线耳机之类的耳机,只要它使用蓝牙即可。

Strictly speaking, you don’t need the Motion Plus add-on.  GlovePIE can take Wii remote input and use the pitch and yaw to move the cursor, but this doesn’t work very fluidly.  The controller can also use two IR light sources as an absolute reference point, which is how it works with the Wii itself, and get a more fluid movement.  You can even use two candles to get the same effect.  What makes the Motion Plus approach worthwhile is that you get a more fluid movement than using just the controller, while simultaneously not having to rely on the IR sources.  This makes it ideal for a quick setup for presentations, or when you’ve got daylight streaming in on your home theater setup.

严格来说,您不需要Motion Plus附加组件。 GlovePIE可以接受Wii远程输入,并使用音高和偏航来移动光标,但这并不是很流畅。 控制器还可以使用两个IR光源作为绝对参考点,这就是它与Wii本身一起工作的方式,并获得了更加流畅的运动。 您甚至可以使用两支蜡烛来获得相同的效果。 使Motion Plus方法值得的是,与仅使用控制器相比,您获得了更多的流畅运动,同时又不必依赖红外光源。 这使得它非常适合用于演示文稿的快速设置,或者在家庭影院设置中有日光流进时。

安装软件 (Installing the Software)

First, get your Bluetooth dongle plugged in and enabled.  This will vary from computer to computer and dongle to dongle, but you can skip installing drivers and extra software if you only want to use it for this, as the WIDCOMM stack includes its own drivers.

首先,插入并启用蓝牙加密狗。 这将因计算机的不同而有所不同,从软件狗到软件狗也有所不同,但是如果您只想为此使用驱动程序和其他软件,则可以跳过安装驱动程序和其他软件的步骤,因为WIDCOMM堆栈包括其自己的驱动程序。

Next, download the and double-click to install it.  Accept the license agreement and agree when it prompts you to install software.

接下来,下载并双击以安装它。 接受许可协议并在提示您安装软件时同意。

Installation screen
Software installation.

After the installation is finished, you should see a Bluetooth icon in your system tray, like so:


System Tray Icon

That takes care of half of the software.  Next, download and unzip the file.  Inside the folder you’ve just created, you’ll see a file called GlovePIE, which is what we’ll use to script the inputs.

这将处理一半的软件。 接下来,下载并解压缩文件。 在刚创建的文件夹中,您会看到一个名为GlovePIE的文件,这是我们用来编写输入脚本的文件。

GlovePIE 0.43 with Emotiv, unzipped

连接Wii遥控器 (Connecting the Wii Remote)

Right-click on the system tray icon, and go to “Add a Device.”



Next up, you’ll see a screen that says it’s searching for Bluetooth-enabled devices.  Hit the 1 + 2 buttons on your Wii remote now.

接下来,您将看到一个屏幕,显示正在搜索支持蓝牙的设备。 立即点击Wii遥控器上的1 + 2按钮。

pair wiimote

You’ll see an input device named “Nintendo RVL-CNT-01” pop up in the window.  Select it and hit Next.

您会在窗口中看到一个名为“ Nintendo RVL-CNT-01”的输入设备。 选择它,然后单击下一步。

add input device "RVL-CNT-01"

In the next pane, you’ll be asked how you’d like to pair with the device.  Choose “Pair without using a code.”

在下一个窗格中,将询问您如何与设备配对。 选择“无需使用代码即可配对”。

Pair without using a code

You should then see a screen that says it’s been paired and Windows is installing the necessary drivers for the device.


Device has successfully been added to this computer

GlovePIE设置 (GlovePIE Setup)

Open up GlovePIE with a quick double-click, and hit “Yes” at the security prompt.  You’ll see a complicated looking window like this:

快速双击打开GlovePIE,然后在安全提示下单击“是”。 您会看到一个看起来很复杂的窗口,如下所示:

GlovePIE bare

Don’t let that intimidate you!  Just go to File > Open, navigate into your GlovePIE folder, and head into the “WiimoteScripts” folder.

不要让那吓到你! 只需转到“文件”>“打开”,导航到您的GlovePIE文件夹,然后转到“ WiimoteScripts”文件夹。

choosing the script.

Choose the “lednerg WiiMotion Plus Mouse.PIE” script, and click Open.  You’ll see the main GlovePIE window displaying the script.

选择“ lednerg WiiMotion Plus Mouse.PIE”脚本,然后单击“打开”。 您将看到GlovePIE主窗口显示该脚本。


Click on the “Run” button to execute the script.  You should see your Wii remote’s LEDs change configuration, from 1 and 4 being lit, to 2 and 3 being lit, and finally, only 1 will be lit.

单击“运行”按钮执行脚本。 您应该看到Wii遥控器的LED更改配置,从1和4点亮到2和3点亮,最后只有1点亮。

paired wii remote

If you see a little sign next to the “Run” button that says “Motion Plus not detected!” just click “Stop,” make sure it’s inserted properly into the Wii remote, and try again.  It may take one or two tries but soon it’ll be properly interfacing with GlovePIE.

如果您在“运行”按钮旁边看到一个小标志,上面写着“未检测到Motion Plus!” 只需单击“停止”,确保将其正确插入Wii遥控器,然后重试。 可能需要一两次尝试,但很快它将与GlovePIE正确连接。

使用陀螺仪鼠标 (Using Your Gyroscopic Mouse)

The “B” button on the bottom of the controller enables the cursor to move.  If you let go of it and reposition the controller, when you hit B next, it will continue holding the cursor from that position.  The movement sort of like using a touchpad on a laptop, where holding “B” is like having your finger touch the pad.  Sometimes, you’ve moved too far on the pad and need to lift your finger and move it to continue pushing the cursor.

控制器底部的“ B”按钮使光标移动。 如果放开它并重新定位控制器,则当下次按下B时,它将继续从该位置保持光标。 动作就像在笔记本电脑上使用触摸板一样,按住“ B”就像是用手指触摸触摸板一样。 有时,您在垫板上的移动距离过长,需要抬起手指并移动它才能继续按光标。

The “A” button acts as a left-click, the “Plus” button acts as a right-click, and “Down” on the directional pad acts as a middle-click.  The buttons work just like mouse buttons; they click when you push down on the button and unclick when you let go.

“ A”按钮充当左键单击,“ Plus”按钮充当右键单击,方向盘上的“ Down”充当中键单击。 这些按钮的工作方式类似于鼠标按钮。 当您按下按钮时它们会单击,放开时它们会单击取消。

Almost happy with the script, I’ve ended up tweaking it to my favor.  After the first block of text, you can insert the following lines:

我几乎对脚本感到满意,但最终对其进行了调整,使其对我有利。 在第一段文本之后,您可以插入以下行:

mouse.WheelUp = wiimote.Onemouse.WheelDown = wiimote.Two

mouse.WheelUp = wiimote.Onemouse.WheelDown = wiimote.Two

It should look like this:


with the tweak

When this is run, you’ll get the added benefit of being able to use the 1 and 2 buttons to scroll up and down, respectively.  If you want to disconnect your controller, hold the power button until the LEDs turn off, and to reconnect, just hold down the 1 + 2 buttons to auto-pair with your PC.

运行此命令时,您将获得额外的好处,即能够分别使用1和2按钮上下滚动。 如果要断开控制器的连接,请按住电源按钮直到LED熄灭,然后重新连接,只需按住1 + 2按钮即可与PC自动配对。

Come up with clever uses of your own, or have a favorite GlovePIE script?  Be sure to share with us in the comments.

想出自己的聪明用法,还是喜欢一个GlovePIE脚本? 请务必在评论中与我们分享。



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